In the heart of Europe, a silent battle rages. Beneath the veneer of a tolerant society, Germany harbors a chilling truth: hidden contracts that systematically target religious minorities. These deals, often shrouded in secrecy, sanction prejudice and deny fundamental rights to individuals based solely on their faith. The victims, frequently from m… Read More
one All selling prices never incorporate income tax. The account demands an once-a-year contract and may renew following one particular calendar year towards the normal listing value. De fait, malgré le recul de la pratique religieuse en France, des tens of millions de Français se déclarant non-croyants se revendiquent en parallèle comme liés… Read More
His Holiness Pope Francis has always been a strong advocate for drug prevention. He argues that the best way to fight the drug addiction epidemic is to prevent it before it starts. Moreover, Pope Francis encourages all communities to woolgather about effective drug prevention strategies. His constant reminder to the masses is that drug addiction … Read More